retentionalfinitude2: “Now although the greatest share of honour was paid to [the temple of Delphi] because of its oracle, since of all oracles in the world it had the repute of being the most truthful, yet the position of the place added something. For it is almost in the centre of Greece taken as a whole, between the country inside the Isthmus and that outside it; and it was also believed to be in the centre of the inhabited world, and people called it the navel of the earth, in addition fabricating a myth, which is told by Pindar, that the two eagles (some say crows) which had been set free by Zeus met there, one coming from the west and the other from the east.” –Strabo, Geography, Book 9 Image: Joan Leigh Fermor, Delphi
retentionalfinitude2: “Now although the greatest share of honour was paid to [the temple of Delphi] because of its oracle, since of all oracles in the world it had the repute of being the most truthful, yet the position of the place added something. For it is almost in the centre of Greece taken as a whole, between the country inside the Isthmus and that outside it; and it was also believed to be in the centre of the inhabited world, and people called it the navel of the earth, in addition fabricating a myth, which is told by Pindar, that the two eagles (some say crows) which had been set free by Zeus met there, one coming from the west and the other from the east.” –Strabo, Geography, Book 9 Image: Joan Leigh Fermor, Delphi